2024-2025 Cub Club
The Cub Club brings together youth hockey players and the Cornell Women’s Ice Hockey Team. They are paired and have a few events throughout the season to connect and be inspired by each other.
Cub Club Members: check back for the link to sign up to be a stick girl or skating bear between periods of the CU Women's Ice Hockey games!
Extra Costs
The program is included with TGHA registration. A fee of $25 is collected from players from other organizations.
Stick girls and Bears get in to the Cornell Women’s Games free of charge. Family members can buy tickets at: https://www.bigredtix.com/section/womens-hockey-l6nf

Any girl 12U and younger can participate!

When - (Registration Required) these aren't quite set in stone so check back!
Pairing Ceremony: October 29 6:30pm-8:30pm
The pairing happens on the ice at Lynah Rink (7pm) and the following are REQUIRED:
- Helmet
- Skates
- Mouth guard
Other hockey equipment is optional(knee pads, elbow pads, etc.) NO STICKS AT ALL PLEASE!!!
Skills session: Lynah Rink
Bowling: Helen Newman Lanes
Cornell Women’s Ice Hockey
"Stick girls" have the opportunity to join the Cornell women's ice hockey team on the ice (must wear full gear) during the national anthem!
Members of Cub Club can volunteer to be the Cub Club Bear and skate a couple of laps during the first and second intermissions of Cornell women's ice hockey games at Lynah Rink!

2024-2025 Cub Club
There is no cost to participate in Cub Club for TGHA players. There is a $25 fee for any player not associated with TGHA.